Q: What are the advantages of VPS over hosting?
A: VPS is an intermediate option between a traditional hosting and a separate Internet server.
Differences (and advantages) of VPS over shared hosting:
Q: Why do you need a control panel? Do I need to pay extra for it?
A: The panel is needed for the following reasons:
We give free of charge to our users the ISPManager control panel and ourselves pay royalties to the right holders. You can read the documentation for ISPManager here...
Q: What are the terms for activating my VPS account?
A: Activation of the new VPS-account is made up to 1 business day after receipt of payment. From the moment of your payment and receipt of money to our account also passes for some time (from 1 hour to 1 business day).
You can always specify whether the money has arrived at our account by e-mail .
Q: Do you have a different support method other than e-mail (viber, phone)?
A: No, we only provide support for our users via email. If you correctly ask your question through the feedback form, and there is no answer to it in the FAQ section (or similar). then we will definitely answer it.
Q: Is it possible to add an additional IP?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it possible to make mass mailings?
A: No. Any mass mailings, even those that the addressees themselves subscribe, will automatically stop our system, and hosting will be Closed for violation of this rules. Allowed only to send individual letters (notifications, messages to users, etc.), the intensity of which will not exceed 2-3 letters per minute.
Immediately note that the location of the unprotected site is not welcomed forms for sending letters or SMS by visitors (using the code on the picture or otherwise) - in this case there is a considerable probability that somebody with the help of it will make this most mass (SPAM) mailing, as a result which guilty and injured you will stay (as the owner of the virtual server)
Q: I have a domain, I want it to be hosted on my vps-account.
A: You can use your virtual server as the primary server. More details are described in For secondary use, for example, secondary.net.ua
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Q: How can I pay for VPS services?
A: You can pay for our services using a card. Our prices and payment methods are listed on this page.
Q: I paid for VPS services - when can I expect activation of my VPS account?
A: We'll notify you of your payment at least 1 hour. Activation of the new VPS-account is made up to 1 day after payment.
If after 3 or more days the activation has not arrived (you have not received the e-mail with the settings),
this means that there was a problem with the identification of your payment. In this case, write to e-mail
the payer's surname, as well as the amount and date of payment, all the data that will help identify your payment.